Monday, March 30, 2015

Increased Temperature

The global climate changes quite obviously for me. When I was a child, the winter usually comes in November and leaves in around March in Hong Kong, which means the Chinese New Year is always freezing for me. We have to wear lots and lots against the cold weather. However, the temperature rises abnormally. It’s like 30 something degree in the previous Chinese New Year that has never happened before. I hope people can be signified by such temperature rise and then play more attention to what they can do to maintain a sustainability for our next generation.

 The temperature rise, not only in HK, is noticeable in Australia too. Study has shown that Australia’s annual temperature will increase 0.4-2.0°C above 1990 levels by the year 2030 and maximum 6°C by 2070. Several folds in human emission of greenhouse gases is a main reason for such rise. It is interesting to know that Australia is one of the most vulnerable countries to the effects of global warming in the next 50 to 100 years. Firstly, as Australia is dominated with arid areas with high rainfall variability, the high temperature may worsen the water supply problems in shortage areas. In addition to this, the Great Barrier Reef, which is an important tourism spot, may encounter disappearance due to the increased temperature. Higher temperature may deteriorate the bushfire hazard in central Australia too.



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